Bee Natural Products
Click here to visit the Bee Natural shop, where you will find apparel and accessories with unique designs on a variety of great products.
We chose to have a product page rather than a store because we are a small apiary. We never take from what the bees need to have products for sale or for us. We only harvest the extra and consider that a gift. We plan to expand our apiary however for now we only have a certain amount of product available.
Bee Natural Honey
Bee Natural Honey is strained, not filtered or heated. It is 100% raw and natural. The ladies are never fed sugar or syrups. No chemicals, antibiotics or synthetic treatments of any kind are given to them. There is no plastic or unnatural items in the hives or frames.

Small jar
5.5 oz/156 g

Medium jar
10 oz./283 g

Large jar
21 oz./595 g

Quart jar
44oz./1247 g
Beeswax Products
Beeswax is amazing, from how it is made to what you can do with it. Color varies and isn't guaranteed to be the same, even within the same frame. It depends on what the bees are pollinating, age of wax, how processed and more. We process the wax in small batches. Typically, we run the wax through a couple straining processes to clean it up. We don't bleach, overheat or over-process it to keep it as close to what the bees made as possible. There can be variances in appearance and color because it is more natural. As with our honey, we are not commercial and bulk producers. We do not take from the bees to have products to sell, therefore the quantity we have available varies and can be limited. Contact us and we will let you know what we currently have in stock.
These are just so much fun! They make the perfect gift for someone or for yourself. Filled with little gifts, prayers and blessings to bring a beauty-full energy/message at just the right time. You never know what might be in there. All you need to know is you can trust the magic. It could be a stone, a feather, a bracelet, tea, salve, candle, smudge, prayer blend and more. Each bag is sacredly guided and channeled by Jana. The energies that come through are put together to bring the blessings forth. Included is a small scroll with messages, prayers, descriptions and/or ceremonies to go along with what is in the bag. The Blessing Bags come in a 5x7 reusable burlap bag as part of the gift.

Blessing Bags
"Thank you so much for the magic goodie bags. They were perfect to those who received them. Absolutely perfect. You are amazing!!"
"Mine was amazing and much needed.
Cool gift to give or receive."
"They are amazing! I would love to gift one to someone I work with. They are so fun and truly magical."

Every Spring and Summer we open the greenhouse here at HBH, where we start the plants for our food and flower gardens. We always grow extra to have for sale. All products are grown organically and with lots of TLC. We grow herbs, heirloom veggies, native plants and medicinals. We believe every person has the right and ability to grow their own food and medicine. Every home should have it's own garden to care for it's family.
We offer services where we connect and listen to your land. This helps you work with your space to create a thriving, harmonious environment.
This service can also be done distantly.
Herbal Farmacy Products
Heron Brook Haven received 501-C-3 status as an Earth-based Natural Hospital. Our herbal products are made from respectfully grown and wildcrafted plants. We have herbs and herbal products available. We also make custom blends.

We have gift certificates available as the perfect gift for those you care about.