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Heron Brook Haven

At HBH Mother Earth, the natural world and all beings are seen and respected as healers, teachers, guides and friends. All that Life offers us and all that is around us can be connected to to heal, learn and grow. Many humans are seeking ways to be more real, connected and find meaning in their own life. At HBH we help and support you to accomplish that in ways that fit in with your own personal...

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Bee Natural Honey

From the bees to the hives, honeycomb, honey and everything involved, we are excited and enchanted by the world of honey bees. We love seeing them and all the other kinds of bees and pollinators around the land and in the gardens. We see ourselves as tenders rather than keepers. The bees keep and take care of themselves just fine. When the honey bees came dancing into our world, we knew we wanted to tend them as naturally and respectfully as possible. The hive system we use is very bee friendly and designed with their comfort and natural ways in mind. For us, it isn't about honey production and what we can 'get' from them.

Click the button below to learn more!

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Bee Natural

Bee Natural is the name for our products and merchandise line. From beeswax to honey, teas, apparel and more. Check out our unique products by clicking the button  below to see all the natural, fun and amazing things we have available for you.

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Heron Brook Haven is a bridge between the past and the future, the physical world and the Spirit World, the modern world and the Ancient Ways. It is in being that bridge that we are co-creating a more connected world for us, future generations and all beings.

Whether you are seeking healing, ceremony, connecting with nature, training or experiences to further your growth, Heron Brook Haven offers a variety of modalities, tools and natural, Earth-based ways to support your process.

Our Location

 Heron Brook Haven is located on a few acres of beautiful ground in the small town of Pawlet, Vt. We are surrounded by hundreds of acres of farm and family land. The views, spaces and energies that have been created here are part of its great blessings. When you come here, the land and all who are part of it hold you in Sacred Space. They are the vessel that embrace and wrap you in their care and support all that we do.


Earth Chamber HBH
Bench by brook HBH
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